What is a Royal Warrant?
A Royal Warrant of Appointment is the document that appoints a company or individual in a trading capacity to the Royal Household and which entitles the holder of the Royal Warrant to use the Royal Arms and 'By Appointment to...' Legend in connection with their business.
How does a business qualify to apply for a Royal Warrant?
By supplying products or services on a regular and ongoing basis to the Royal Household of a Grantor for not less than five years out of the past seven years. Amongst other things, applicants are also required to demonstrate that they have an appropriate environmental and sustainability policy and action plan.
Who is eligible for a Royal Warrant?
Royal Warrants are only granted to individuals or companies that have made a continuing and significant supply of goods and/or services, ordered and paid for by the Household of the Grantor, over a minimum trading period of five years within the last seven years. Goods purchased for re-sale by souvenir shops run by Royal Collection Enterprises and the Private Estates, and goods or services provided to the Crown Estate, Historic Royal Palaces, Highgrove Enterprises, King's Foundation, the Duchies of Cornwall or Lancaster and Royal Parks do not qualify. Royal Warrants are not granted for professional services – e.g. bankers, brokers or agents, solicitors, employment agencies, training providers, veterinary services, government agencies – or to newspapers, magazines, journals, periodicals or similar publications.
For how long does a Royal Warrant last?
A Royal Warrant is usually granted for up to five years and reviewed in the year before it is due to expire so that a decision can be made as to whether it should be renewed for another period of up to five years.
Why might a company or individual lose a Royal Warrant?
The product or service is no longer manufactured or available. The goods or services are no longer required, or orders have dwindled. The business stops trading. The company goes into liquidation or is declared bankrupt. There is a significant change in the control or ownership of the Royal Warrant-holding company.
What happens to a company or individual when a Royal Warrant is cancelled?
They are normally allowed up to 12 months to alter their packaging, stationery and advertising and to remove the Royal Arms from their buildings and vehicles.
What happens when the Grantor dies?
The Royal Warrant will become void but the company or individual may continue to use the Royal Arms in connection with the business usually for up to two years, provided there is no significant change within the company concerned. The Royal Household reviews Warrant grants upon a change of the reigning Sovereign.
Who decides who may grant Royal Warrants?
The Monarch decides who is to be a Grantor.
What benefits does a Royal Warrant bestow?
Royal Warrant holders receive a handsome Royal Warrant document and the right to display the appropriate Royal Arms on their product, packaging, stationery, advertising, premises and vehicles in accordance with The Lord Chamberlain's Rules.
Does the Royal Warrant carry any restrictions?
Royal Warrant holders may not disclose details of the goods or services they provide except as described in the Legend beneath the Royal Arms, e.g. 'By Appointment to... Suppliers of Stationery…’.
Does having a Royal Warrant mean that the products or services supplied are the best?
It simply means they are a preferred product or service.
Does the Royal Household only obtain goods or services from Royal Warrant holders?
No. Purchases are made from other sources.
Do Royal Warrant holders provide their products or services for free?
No. All business is conducted on a commercial basis.
What does a Royal Warrant cost?
A Royal Warrant costs nothing, however the Royal Warrant Holders Association, which acts on behalf of the Lord Chamberlain's Office in carrying out all initial clerical work in connection with Royal Warrants, levies an administration charge on all Warrant holders who do not pay a subscription as members of the Association.
How many Royal Warrants are there?
545 Royal Warrants are held by 538 companies.
What is the role of the Royal Warrant Holders Association?
The Association is incorporated by Royal Charter to ensure the continued existence of the Royal Warrant of Appointment, uphold its unique status within business and to protect the interests of Warrant holders. In addition to advising all Warrant holders as to the correct use of the Royal Arms, the Association assists the Lord Chamberlain’s Office with the administration of applications for new Royal Warrants and reviews of - and changes to - existing Warrants. The Association is not part of the Royal Household. As a not-for-profit membership organisation it also offers its members a range of events and opportunities within the family of Warrant holders.
Can the Association make introductions to the Royal Household on behalf of non-suppliers?
The Association is not part of the Royal Household or its procurement processes. It only represents or acts on behalf of existing suppliers. It does not make introductions on behalf of non-suppliers.